Payment management solutions
Get your business payments sorted with our payment management solutions.
Find a payment management solution that works for you
BOV Business Bill Payments
Manage the receipt of payments from clients
Receive payments easily
Structure your business records
Receive a daily report with all the required details for easy reconciliation
BOV Salaries Batch Payments
An easy and convenient way of paying your salaries
Pay salaries easily
Save money and time with batch payments
Salaries can be paid to any SEPA country in EURO
BOV SEPA Batch Payments
An easy and convenient way of effecting SEPA Transfers
Pay easily
Save money and time with batch payments
You can pay in EURO to any SEPA country
BOV Non-SEPA Batch Payments
International Non-SEPA batch payments made easy
Simplify your processes and eliminate the handlings of cheques
Easily effect payments to Non-SEPA countries
Need more help?Book an appointment with a business advisor to plan your next moves