Find the right account for your business
Discover our wide range of business accounts and find the right solution for your everyday business banking needs.
Business accounts
BOV Business Savings Account
Get your business savings organised in a separate account.
Deposit and withdraw business funds any time for more flexibility
Monitor and track your business activity regularly
BOV Business Current Account
Set your business funds aside and facilitate your everyday business trading.
Keep your business and personal savings separate, for more organised financial management
Access your money and manage business payments through our digital banking services
Monitor and facilitate your account and cashflow management
BOV Pooled Savings Account
Hold your business and your clients' funds securely.
Ensure peace of minds of your clients, that their money is safe
Manage your money via our digital banking services
Settle your business payments to fulfil your business needs
BOV Pooled Current Account
Facilitate management of your business and clients' funds securely.
Ensure peace of minds of your clients, that their money is safe
Manage your money via our digital banking services
Settle your business payments using your cheque book or other features to fulfil your business needs
Compare business accounts
* Subject to lending criteria