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BOV Annual General Meeting 2023

The 49th Annual General Meeting of Bank (AGM) of Valletta p.l.c. was held on Thursday, 25 May 2023 at the Grand Master Suite, Conference Centre, Hilton Malta, St Julian’s.

Registration started at 9.00am whilst the Meeting commenced at 10.00am.

AGM Documentation

Important information

All the documentation relating to the AGM (as listed above) were mailed to Shareholders.

Participation at the AGM was restricted to Shareholders who were registered as such on the Register of Shareholders of the Bank on the Record Date, being Tuesday, 25 April 2023.

Shareholders on the Company’s Register of Shareholders as at the Record Date or their appointed proxy were allowed to attend the Annual General Meeting and had the right to participate and vote in the AGM.

At the date of the Notice to Shareholders, the total number of shares was 583,849,270 Ordinary Shares, which carry equal voting rights.

Shareholders were entitled to ask questions pertinent and related to any resolution placed before the AGM and such questions were answered by the Chairman during the meeting.

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