Save for your future
Plan your savings now to enjoy more financial flexibility in the future.
Find a savings plan that works for you
MAPFRE MSV Life Flexi Plan
Guarantee a secure future ahead with a flexible, long-term solution for your savings.
Saving in a MAPFRE MSV Life With-Profits Fund provides you with peace of mind as detailed in the Key Feature Document found, whilst smoothing your investment return over the medium to long term.
Receive a tax- free sum at the end of your term in line with current legislation.
MAPFRE MSV Life Unit Linked Savings Plan
Reward your future self with a medium to long-term regular savings plan.
Invest in a range of funds managed by professionals to reach your financial goals
Make regular contributions per month with the option to pause whenever you need
Need more help?Book your appointment for personalised assistance opening an account, applying for a loan, and more.