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Protect your family from financial burdens

Plan ahead if you want to leave a lump sum for your loved ones in case of death.

Who should consider this plan?

This plan could be for you if you want to leave a lump sum in the event of your death while the policy is in force. Its most common use is to protect your family or dependents from the financial burdens caused by your passing. Some of the potential benefits and uses include:

Replacing lost income;
Paying associated bills and expenses;
Staying in the home they love;
Maintaining their lifestyle;
Keeping plans for the future in place.

Providing you with peace of mind

To pay a death benefit to your estate, or a designated beneficiary upon the death of the person covered, or to provide a lump sum payment early if you are diagnosed with a terminal illness.

Enjoy a range of benefits for extra protection

Gain access to the death benefit, funeral expenses benefit, and terminal illness benefit, with the option to add other benefits at an additional cost.

Insurance details

What does this insurance include?

Discover the details and benefits of the MAPFRE MSV Whole of Life Plan.

Premium payment frequency can be either annually, half-yearly, quarterly or monthly;
Minimum life cover of €40,000;
Cover can either be single life, joint life on the death of the first partner or joint life on the death of the second partner;
Whole of life, requirement to pay the premium for the rest of your life;
The option to appoint one or more beneficiaries to receive the benefit under the plan when it becomes payable.

What benefits do I get with this plan

Learn about the additional benefits you get with the MAPFRE MSV Life Whole of life plan.

Death Benefit: Payment of the guaranteed lump sum you select at the start of the plan if the person covered passes away while the plan is active.
Funeral Expenses Benefit: Coverage of funeral costs up to €2,500, provided as a partial pre-payment of the death benefit
Terminal Illness Benefit: Pre-payment of up to 75% of the death benefit if the person covered is diagnosed with a terminal illness while the plan is active.

You may wish to refer to the product documentation available in the Important Documents section hereunder or obtain a copy from any BOV Branch upon request.

Important documents

Protect your loved ones with the MAPFRE MSV Life Protection Plan

Bank of Valletta p.l.c. is an enrolled Tied Insurance Intermediary under the Insurance Distribution Act, Cap. 487 of the Laws of Malta for MAPFRE MSV Life p.l.c. (MMSV). MMSV is authorised under the Insurance Business Act, Cap. 403 of the Laws of Malta. Both entities are regulated by the Malta Financial Services Authority.

The product is manufactured by MAPFRE MSV Life and is distributed by Bank of Valletta p.l.c

MAPFRE MSV Life Loan Protection Plan