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The BOV Volleyball marathon in aid of Dar tal-Providenza

This year’s edition of the BOV volleyball marathon in aid of Id Dar tal Providenza, was officially launched on Wednesday afternoon.

BOV News

This year’s edition of the BOV volleyball marathon in aid of Id-Dar tal-Providenza, was officially launched on Wednesday afternoon by Fr Martin Micallef, the home’s director, and Charles Azzopardi, head CSR at Bank of Valletta, during a press conference held at Pembroke Secondary School within St Clare’s College, where the training and preparation of the players taking part in the marathon is under way. Every year this volleyball marathon takes place helping to raise the much needed funds for the home.

Id-Dar tal-Providenza was founded in 1965, to offer residential serviceses for persons with disabilities. Today the home hosts 115 persons at its residences in Siġġiewi, Qawra, Żurrieq and Birkirkara. More than 7 million euro are needed annualy to operate. Since its inception Id-Dar tal-Providenza has relied heavily on the generosity of the community and this is why the Volleyball Marathon is more than just a sporting event.

At the beginning of June approximately 70 athletes started training sessions. This includes athletes from 14 years and above, some first timers and others who have done tens of marathons over the years! A team of coaches assesses each player and grades their overall performance through a point system. 12 hour and 24 hour trials are part of training plan along with training sessions in the scorching summer heat.

The athletes’ performance throughout the training programme will determine who of them will make the cut for the final 40, who will eventually take part in the 53 hour volleyball marathon. These athletes will be joined by over 100 volunteers who are key to making the marathon happen.

This year’s edition will take place at Dar tal-Providenza between Friday 19th and Sunday 21st July. The general public is invited to attend, support the players, enjoy the entertainment but most importantly encouraged to donate and help make this year’s edition another success!

The event will be inaugurated by Her Excellency the President of Malta, Myriam Spiteri Debono on Friday 19 July at 6.30pm in the car park of Id Dar tal Providenza in Siġġiewi.

"The BOV Volleyball Marathon is one of our primary annual fundraising events that supports our mission to provide and enhance a variety of essential services," stated Fr. Martin during the press conference. "This event also promotes volunteering and emphasizes its importance in Maltese society. Additionally, the marathon aims to encourage sports participation and foster a healthier lifestyle. Finally, Id-Dar tal-Providenza urges society to always respect individuals with disabilities, treat them with the dignity they deserve, and offer them the same choices and opportunities available to everyone."

Mr Charles Azzopardi said “Our work with id Dar tal Providenza goes back years, and this year as part of our Bank’s 50th we are proud to continue building on this relationship. Id Dar tal Providenza provides a vital service to our community and as BOV we want to continue expanding our work with the community to help all our citizens achieve a better quality of life.”

The 53 hour Volleyball Marathon in aid of Dar tal Providenza is supported by Bank of Valletta as its main sponsor together with Pif Paf, PwC, CareMalta, Eurosport, Vibe and PaviPama.

Those who wish to support this event can send a donation on or call one of the numbers below:
€10 5160 2011
€15 5170 2012
€25 5180 2013
€50 5190 2070
€100 5130 2044