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BOV Annual General Meeting 2014

The 41st Annual General Meeting of Bank (AGM) of Valletta p.l.c. will be held on Wednesday, 17th December 2014 at the Grand Master Suite, Conference Centre, Hilton Malta, St Julian’s.

Registration starts at 3.30pm whilst the Meeting commences at 4.30pm.

Voting results

The total number of shareholders entitled to vote at the AGM was 19,225 shareholders.

Four resolutions were presented at the AGM. All the following resolutions were approved by show of hands:

    Approval of Audited Financial Statements
    Approval of the gross final dividend
    Approval of the appointment of KPMG Malta jointly with KPMG United Kingdom as external auditors and the granting of authority to the Board to fix their remuneration
    Approval of changes to issued share capital due to a bonus share issue

Results for the Election of Directors

Mr John Cassar White (Chairman) and Mr Taddeo Scerri were appointed by the Government until the 2015 AGM. Roberto Cassata was appointed by UniCredit until the 2015 AGM.

A poll was taken to select the remaining six Directors. The number of shares which were validly cast for this poll was 106,697,776. This amount represents the following:

42.33% of the Bank’s Issued Share Capital as at close of business on the day of the AGM.
53.69% of the number of shares entitled to vote for the six Directors (Issued Share Capital less the shares held by the Government of Malta and UniCredit S.p.A)

The number of votes (shares) that were not cast or invalid was 1,667,806

Appointed six directors

Alicia Agius Gatt
Joseph Borg
James Grech
Mario Grima
George Portanier
Joseph M Zrinzo

AGM Documentation

Important information

Participation at the AGM is restricted to Shareholders who are registered as such on the Register of Shareholders of the Bank on the Record Date, being Monday, 17 November 2014.

All the documentation relating to the AGM (as listed above) has been mailed to these Shareholders on the 26 November 2014 (the date of the Notice).

At the date of the notice, the total number of shares was 330,000,000 Ordinary Shares, which carry equal voting rights.
The Form of Proxy (including the electronic proxy – vide section entitled ‘Electronic Proxy’ below) is to be received by the Bank not less than 48 hours before the time of the AGM.

Shareholders (whether personally or by proxy) are entitled to ask questions which are pertinent and related to any resolution placed before the AGM and to have such questions answered by the Chairman of the Meeting or by the Directors or by such person/s as the Directors may delegate for that purpose. The Chairman has invited the Shareholders, if they so desire, to submit in writing any such questions to the Company Secretary, either by mail at House of the Four Winds, Triq L-Imtieħen, Il-Belt Valletta VLT 1350 or by email to [email protected] by not later than Wednesday, 10 December 2014.

For further information about the AGM, you may wish to read the Explanatory Notes in the Notice to Shareholders.

Electronic Proxy

Shareholders have the option to submit the Proxy form electronically. Information about this option can be found in Page 3 (Section B) of the Explanatory Notes contained in the Notice to Shareholders.

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